Friday, 11 November 2016

Life of Prophet ﷺ In Madinah- (2nd year of hijrat)

          Various important incidents took place in the second year of hijrat(625 AD)

(1)Four main orders(Fasting,Zakat,Change of Qibla and the last Permission of JIHAD)
(2) The Battle of Badar

             Fasting in the month of Ramadan was made obligatory upon all adult muslims in the second            year of hijrat.

          The payment of zakat was also made obligatory upon all rich muslims.

Changing of Qibla:
                             Qibla is the direction were muslims turns their faces while offering prayers. In Makkah muslims used to face masjid-e-Aqsa and did they same in Madinah for over 16 months. In 2A.H while holy prophet was leading Asr prayer he was ordered to face towards the holy ka,abah
this become the religious center for muslims.

The permission of jihad:
Jihad is a struggle way of Allah against the evil inclinations for the sake of islam and muslim Ummah.

Battle of Badar
(Causes and events)

During the first thirteen years of his mission,the holy prophet had only one enemy
to deal with in Makkah.But in Madinah he had three enemy to deal.The ansar who invited the holy prophet to Madinah. When the holy prophet learnt that the quraish were advancing towards Madinah with intention to attack,immediately he called the muslims to take the necessary step.The ansar and the muhajirin  got together to defend their selves.
                    When the battle start the holy prophet prayed for muslims to them against the enimies of islam.The prayer was accepted. Allah granted victory for the muslims. The main Quraish leader was killed like shaiba,utba,Abu jahal. When the news reached Makkah the whole town was struck with grief.

 Importance of the Battle
After the battle many unbelievers accepted islam. In the 2nd hijri the tribe of Banu Quinain broke this agreement after the battle of badar. The holy prophet took action against them and according to his decision were exiled from Madinah